Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Grandpa is back !!

Hear ye, hear ye.
Grandpa is back !!

You haven't heard from me in a long while and there is a good reason. We sold our condo and moved out on August 29th. We bought a forty year old townhouse last June and went through a total renovation. The renovation was supposed to be done on September 1st, so that we could move in right after moving out of the condo, but best laid plans didn't materialize. We spent six weeks living with our son and his family. We finally moved in to our renovated townhouse on October 10th. We were here for one week, buried up to our eyeballs in boxes, and then we left town for 8 days to attend a reunion of my Officer Candidate School class at Fort Benning, Georgia. I hadn't seen any of those fellows for 48 years and it was really fun. The Army did a great job of hosting us and showing us around Fort Benning, as well as explaining the current programs that are housed at the base. After the tours, I am convinced that there are many many very fine young people who have volunteered to serve in the Army and protect us all if need be. Rest assured, we are in good hands.

So, all of that said, you can see why I haven't been posting a lot of new recipes lately, but I hope to get back to it soon. Tonight we had our first cooked meal in the new house, and it was wonderful to just sit and relax over a simple dinner of grilled filet mignon, boiled new potatoes and a nice green salad. Easy, nothing fancy, but tasty never the less. Maybe there is a lesson to be learned there. The best part of any meal is the place where you have it and the people you share it with. You will be hearing from me again soon.